

发布时间:2022-09-07 17:09浏览量:






[1]Wendi Huang, Min Wu, Luefeng Chen, Xin Chen, and Weihua Cao, "Multi-objective drilling trajectory optimization using decomposition method with minimum fuzzy entropy-basedcomprehensive evaluation", Applied Soft Computing, 107: 107392, 2021.

[2]Wendi Huang, Min Wu, Luefeng Chen, Jinhua She, Hiroshi Hashimoto, and Seiichi Kawata, "Multi-objective drilling trajectory optimization considering parameter uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: System,52(2): 1224-1233, 2022.

[3]Wendi Huang, Min Wu, Jie Hu, Luefeng Chen, Chengda Lu, Xin Chen, and Weihua Cao. "A multi objective optimisation algorithm for a drilling trajectory constrained to wellbore stability",International Journal of Systems Science, 53(1): 154-167, 2022.

[4]Wendi Huang, Min Wu, and Luefeng Chen, "Multi-objective drilling trajectory optimization with a modified complexity index," Proceedings of the 37th Chinese Control Conference, 2453-2456, 2018.

[5]Wendi Huang, Min Wu, Jun Cheng, Xin Chen, Weihua Cao, Yule Hu, and Hui Gao, "Multi-objective drilling trajectory optimization based on NSGA-II," Proceedings of the 11th Asian Control Conference, 1234-1239, 2017.